About Us

What we are

ADVANCE RUDRAKSHA TESTING & RESEARCH LABORATORY involves testing and authentication of Rudraksha beads. ARTL was established with a purpose and mission to help people identify the genuine Rudraksha beads like a diamond in the bunch of coal.lt is a known fact that under the garb of religion, innocent people get cheated and duped by unscrupulous traders, supplying impure or substandard items as there are no Goverment Standards who aproved this. ARTL, since inception, has laid down benchmark specifications for its testing ability and efforts.The Indian market has ~ become flooded with imitation Rudraksha in the last few decades as the demand for rarer beads has gone up. Many scores of people found to their dismay that the expensive Rudraksha they had bought was actually a fake when it was examined by an expert. ADVANCE RUDRAKSH TESTING & RESEARCH LABORATORY involves testing and authentication of Rudraksha beads. ARTL was tablished with a purpose and mission to help people identify the genuine Rudraksha beads.T IL rudraksha testing reports are 100% real and authentic. Every report includes Unique Report Number, approximate Picture, and measurement, along with its identification characteristics.

Our Mission

Our mission at Rudrajyoothi is touch a billion hearts and help individuals achieve their goals and dreams while guiding them to lead better lives, with the help of Rudraksh Therapy.

About Rudraksh

E laeocarpus ganitrus commonly known as Rudraksha in India belongs to the Elaeocarpaceae family and grows in the Himalayan region . Type Elaeocarpus has about 360 species, occurs during Australia, East Asia, Malaysia and the Pacific Islands. About 120 species belonging to this genus from different parts of Asia and out of this, 25 species occur in India alone According to Hindu mythology, Rudraksha beads bear a great religions, spiritual, and materialistic significance. The Hindu mythology considers Rudraksha as symbol of link between earth and heaven. It is believed that it contains the secrets of evolution of entire cosmos within itself. Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. (Syn. E. angustifolius Blume, E. sphaericus Gaertn.) is an evergreen tree, ripe fruits of which contain a hard and highly ornamental stony endocarp known as bead or nut Elaeocarpus ganitrus has an important position in Hindu religion and in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine. Fruits of the plant are wearing by Hindu mystics as necklaces and in their daily worship for purpose of counting prayers and various magical properties are recognized to them Rudraksha is a dried herbal fruit. Birth place or motherland of Rudraksha is mountains of Himalayas.

Rudraksha is the King of herbal medicine working effectively and positively, are measured to be sacred and have many spiritual and medicinal values both as defensive and remedial. Elaeocarpus ganitrus (syn. Elaeocarpus sphaericus) commonly known as Rudraksha in Sanskrit and Rudraki in Hindi is grown in Himalayan region in India for its medicinal properties and attractive fruit stones It is used in folk medicine in treatment of stress, anxiety, depression, palpitation, nerve pain, epilepsy, migraine, lack of concentration, asthma, hypertension, arthritis and liver diseases. According to the Ayurvedic medicinal system, wearing of Rudraksha can have a positive effect on nerves and heart. As stated by Ayurvedic system of medicine, wearing Rudraksha beads relieves strain, anxiety, lack of concentration, insomnia, depression, hypertension, palpitation, infertility, rheumatism, and asthma. It has also anti-aging effect. The seed of Rudraksha has been given an individual place and it is attributed with numinous and heavenly properties. Rudraksha beads have been traditionally used in India and other Asian countries.

This species name is synonymous with E. sphaericus, whose fruits or seeds are used in Ayurveda for psycho-somatic diseases. Previous studies shows that E. ganitrus possesses sedative, anticonvulsive, antiepileptic hypnotic, tranquillizing, and antihypertensive activities. E. ganitrus contains quercetin, gallic and ellagic acids, elaeocarpine, People use fruit of E. ganitrus to treat different ailments. The pulp or flesh of drupe in green and fresh state is sour in taste, stimulates appetite and is given in epilepsy, diseases of the head and mental illness. The fruit stone (seed kernel) is sweet, cooling and emollient. Externally the stone is rubbed with water and then it applied on body.

Rudraksha (Elaeocarpus sphaericus) beads have numerous amazing powers due to their electrical Properties, electromagnetic character, and bio electric circuit. Rudraksha is also useful for women suffering from hysteria and coma. It can be used as a cure for skin diseases, pimples, boils mental diseases, ringworm and possess anti ageing property. E. ganitrus, belongs to the family Elaeocarpaceae, is used for treating diverse diseases such as mental illness, epilepsy, hysteria, cough and hepatic diseases. A combination of bark, stem and leaf of Elaeocarpus floribundus has been used as mouth wash and fruits has been used as antiseptic. Elaeocarpus oblongus fruit is used as antiseptic. Elaeocarpus is used in ulcers, rheumatism, piles, pneumonia, and leprosy. The bark of the Elaeocarpus parvifolius used in especially in the treatment of malarial Infection. Bark of Elaeocarpus petiolatus is bitter and sour juice of leaves is used to check sunstroke and given in fevers. Herbal drugs derived from plant extracts are being more and more utilized to treat a broad variety of clinical diseases, however relatively tiny knowledge about their mode of action is available. There is a growing interest in the pharmacological evaluation of various therapies used in Indian traditional systems of medicine.

Plant Profile
Elaeocarpus ganitrus wild
Taxonomy- Elaeocarpus ganitrus falls under the classification of scientific as follows:
Scientific Classification
Botanical Name- Elaeocarpus Ganitrus (Roxb.)
Kingdom- Plantae
Division- Magnoliophyta
Class- Magnoliopsida
Order- Oxalidales
Family- Elaeocarpaceae
Genus- Elaeocarpus
Species- E. Ganitrus
Common Name- Rudraksha
Type- E. Serratus Linn, E. Ganitrus Roxb, etc.
Habit- Tree Habitat
Elaeocarpus ganitrus is an average sized evergreen tree with a spreading attractive crown, found in tropical and subtropical areas at the altitude ranging from the sea coast to 2,000 meters more than the sea level. Elaeocarpus ganitrus generally dispersed from Madagascar in the west through India, Malaysia, Southeast Asia, Southern China, and Japan, through Australia to New Zealand, Fiji, and Hawaii in the east with it’s around 350 species. The islands of Borneo and New Guinea have the greatest concentration of species E. ganitrus found in Assam, Bihar, Bengal, Maharashtra, uttarakhand and himachal pradesh and Sikkim in India Rudraksha is common along the foothills of all districts of Arunachal Pradesh, except tawang and upper subansiri and some other high-altitude areas. Tree of Rudraksha is originated in humid evergreen forests, which are characterized by three-tier forest structure. Botanical Description It is a large evergreen tree with large leaves. Its height ranges from 50–200 feet. Leaves are large and shining green on the sun facing side and dull stringy on earth facing side. Flowers become visible in the month of April- May and are white or yellow in colour Fruits start appearing in June and ripen near October. Ripe fruit is fleshy and has a seed with blue shell. Inner part or bead lying in the seed is called Rudraksha.

Our Certificates

Our Services

For observing the inner layers & inner structure of Rudraksh bead & identify matured seed of Rudraksh...Read More...
To Test exact size of Rudraksh in diameter & weight of Rudraksh because weight is to determine the density of Rudraksh...Read More...
To find out outer layer of Rudraksh it helps to find out manual carving & crack in beads...
To check Artificial joints & find out for esence of plastic glue in Rudraksh bead...Read More...


  • Address:206, 2nd Floor, Shivam Chambers,
    S. V. Road, Goregaon (W),
  • Email: info@rudrajyoothi.com
  • Website: www.artlmumbai.com
  • Toll Free: 022-67080789